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Ma Wan Park Noah's Ark - Theme P arks in Hong Kong (part 2)

In the blog of “Ma Wan Park Noah's Ark - Theme P arks in Hong Kong (part 1)
We had introduced the vision , mission and the facilities in the Ma Wan Park Noah's Ark to all of you ,however do you know what is Noah's Ark and its story ?Let me tell you more about it.

I hear this story when I was a secondary 2 student (in the Religion education lesson ).You can find the story in the bible “Genesis ch.6-9”.

Noah's Ark (Hebrew תיבת נח),The story is about God observes that the earth is corrupted with violence and decides to destroy all life. But Noah "was a righteous man, blameless in his generation, [and] Noah walked with God," and God gives him instructions for the ark, into which he is told to bring "two of every sort [of animal]...male and female ... everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life," and their food.

God instructs Noah to board the Ark with his family, seven pairs of the birds and the clean animals, and one pair of the unclean animals. "On the same day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened, and the rain was upon the earth," and God closes up the door of the Ark. The flood begins, and the waters prevail until all the high mountains are covered fifteen cubits deep, and all the people and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens are blotted out from the earth, and only Noah and those with him in the Ark remain.

Then "God remembered Noah," and causes his wind to blow, and the fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens are closed, and the rain is restrained, and the waters abate, and in the seventh month the Ark rests on the mountains of Ararat. In the tenth month the tops of the mountains are seen, and Noah sends out a raven and a dove to see if the waters have subsided; the raven flies "to and fro" and the dove returns with a fresh olive leaf in her beak. Noah waits seven days more and sends out the dove again, and this time it does not return.

When the land is dry God tells Noah to leave the ark, Noah offers a sacrifice to God, and God resolves never again to curse the earth, "for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth."[8] God grants to Noah and his sons the right to kill animals and eat their meat, but forbids meat which has not been drained of its blood. Blood is proclaimed sacred, and the unauthorised taking of life is prohibited: "For your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man...Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image." Then God established his covenant with Noah and his sons and with all living things, and places the rainbow in the clouds, "the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth."

**The story is comes from (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah's_Ark)

In 2005, the Hong Kong Media Evangelism evangelical organizations with the Chinese team said that they found the hideout of the Ark in the Ararat Mountain, then they taken it into a documentary film, " the day of noah "than more people know about the story of Ark too .

As I have mention in the blog which about the Ma Wan Park Noah's Ark,

Noah's Ark is a multi-media vehicle designed to foster:
·             Love for Self and Others
·             Love for the Well-being of the Body and Spirit
·             Love for Life
·             Love for the Environment
·             Love for Learning
·             Love for Challenges
·             Love to Serve Others

Today, I feel very surprised than there are the attacking issues happened in Korea. Some people died in it .Why the people need to kill the other for what they want? Why they can not keep peace and love each other? I really hope that the attack issue can stop immediately. Everyone can love for self and others, love for life and love to serve others.

Finally ,. I would like to share 2 songs with all of you one is called “挪亞方舟”,sing by Jade Kwan. It is the theme song of the film( the day of noah ).The other song is called “Where is the love”, sing by Black Eyed Peas ,it about the peace .
Hope you can enjoy the songs.


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